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Health care reform

Health care reform: An unfinished agenda

Health care reform: An unfinished agenda

Passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was an important milestone in addressing the issue of the nation's uninsured. But other challenges remain as we work to build a healthier world.


Future changes must:


  • Encourage competition
  • Promote innovation
  • Make health care more affordable


At Aetna®, we have a long history of working to build a better health care system. We remain focused on this goal until our vision is fully realized.


We support:


  • Strengthening Medicare and other health programs
  • Improving tax policy
  • Expanding provider collaborations
  • Improving care through health information technology

A law that changed the landscape

A law that changed the landscape

We are committed to helping you understand the impact of the ACA. Passed in 2010, the law says in part:


  • Almost everyone must get health insurance.
  • Nobody can be turned down.
  • People can buy a health plan in a new way: on a state or federal exchange.
  • In some cases, the government may help pay for health coverage.
  • Larger employers must provide health insurance or pay a penalty.
  • Small employers can buy coverage on the health insurance exchanges.

What the ACA means for you

What the ACA means for you



The law sets minimum standards for what health plans must cover. And most people must have insurance or possibly pay a penalty.


Learn about our ACA health coverage




Employers with at least 50 full-time and full-time-equivalent employees may have to pay a penalty if they don’t offer health coverage that meets certain standards.


Learn how the ACA affects employers




If you have insurance questions about treating exchange plan members and how to get reimbursed, you can find helpful answers here.


Exchange FAQs for health care professionals

Legal notices

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

Health benefits and health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations.

Also of interest: