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Infographic: Your pregnancy health care journey

By Aetna

For first-time moms, pregnancy is chock full of surprises. Like powerful cravings for oddball food combinations or the strange feeling of being kicked from the inside. Other things that catch moms-to-be off guard are the many doctor appointments and prenatal tests that are a normal part of pregnancy. And then there are all the unfamiliar bills and explanation of benefits statements you receive from your health insurance provider.

Our health care guide to pregnancy will arm you with the information you need to make sense of the paperwork. So you can focus on other things, like enjoying those first kicks.

Understanding major health care milestones

It’s one of the very best reasons to visit a doctor: You’re pregnant. And you’re taking the right steps to monitor your health and the health of your growing baby. Check out the major health care milestones along your pregnancy journey below.

Deciding you want to conceive

Congratulations! You’ve decided you want to have a baby. Now’s a great time to visit your Ob/Gyn. Find out whether any medications you’re taking are safe during pregnancy. Ask for help with health challenges, such as giving up smoking or managing diabetes. Your doctor may also recommend prenatal vitamins or booster vaccinations.

If you or your partner is at risk of passing on certain disorders, such as Cystic Fibrosis or Tay-Sachs disease, you should pursue genetic counseling before getting pregnant. Families can prevent transmission of some disorders by using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

First trimester

Your first prenatal visit

Once you believe you’re pregnant, make an appointment with your Ob/Gyn to confirm the happy news. Your first visit will include a physical and pelvic exam, Pap test, blood/urine labs, and maybe a flu shot. Your doctor can also answer questions about weight and nutrition.

How many visits?

Your prenatal care provider will likely request that you schedule monthly check-ups until your 28th week of pregnancy, then bi-monthly check-ups until week 36. In the last month, you’ll be visiting your doctor every week.

11-14 weeks

Your Ob/Gyn will typically perform a first-trimester screening: This includes a blood test and an ultrasound exam called a nuchal translucency scan. It assesses risks for chromosomal disorders and other problems. Women at higher risk of passing on genetic disorders may be offered a “cell-free DNA test” and a chorionic villus sampling (CVS), in which a small sample of cells is removed from the placenta for testing.

Second trimester

15-20 weeks

You may undergo a blood test called a maternal serum screenalso known as a quad screen or multiple market screen—to check for chromosomal disorders and neural tube defects like spina bifida.

18-20 weeks

The most famous and common second-trimester test is the 18- to 20-week ultrasound appointment. This checks the health of your baby’s organs and may also reveal the baby’s gender.

Amniocentesis test

Between weeks 14 and 20, mothers age 35 and older and those with genetic risks may undergo an amnio. In this procedure, a thin needle is inserted into the mother’s uterus to withdraw amniotic fluid. Genetic testing is performed on the fluid.

Third trimester

26-28 weeks

You’ll likely be checked for gestational diabetes. If your pregnancy is considered high-risk, you might need additional tests such as a biophysical profile (BPP) or another ultrasound. Your doctor may also discuss birth classes and delivery planning.

Near the very end

At about week 36 or 37, your Ob/Gyn may perform a Group B streptococcus test. This entails collecting cells through vaginal and rectal swabs to test for the presence of bacteria that can cause infection in the newborn. Mothers who test positive are treated with antibiotics during childbirth to protect the baby.

Labor and delivery

Congratulations: It’s time for your baby to enter the world! While most women have vaginal deliveries, some need to deliver through Cesarean section. Anesthesia is the norm for Cesareans, but more than half of women who deliver vaginally also receive epidural or spinal anesthesia. If your due date passes and you haven’t delivered (39 weeks is full-term), your doctor may talk to you about inducing labor.

Baby’s turn for testing

After delivery, your newborn will undergo a round of blood, hearing and heart screenings. Your pregnancy journey has come to an end, but your baby’s journey is just getting started!

Sources: Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, March of Dimes.

Your out-of-pocket costs for maternity care and childbirth will vary widely depending on where you live, which services you require and your insurance plan. The best way to save on your care is to choose providers and hospitals in your insurance plan's network. If you’re an Aetna member, you may also be able to get an estimate of your costs through the Member Payment Estimator.

For Aetna Members

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